Monday, September 21, 2015

Doggie Monday

Apologies for the delay!  We start with a view out the office window:
Reggie & Bingo:

Here's Buddy:

I switched out the dog toy boxes and brought the living room one into the office. This mangled squirrel was a new-old discovery:

Found this on the stairs:
I had a little shelf lying against the wall in the hallway as I'm rearranging
the art studio. Buddy (and I'm sure it's Buddy!) pulled out a peg. *le sigh* 
Look at Bingo pointing:
Here's Reggie;


Buddy makes the yard all hole-y!

Bingo in one of her spots:

Buddy was all Roo-roo! at a deer or dog or neighbor's car:

In the office, here's Bingo:
Assuming the position for belly rubs!
Buddy with yogurt lid.

Here comes Reggie:

Here's Reggie on Persian carpet:
Getting up & out of the way . . . 
My sweet Bingo-Dingo on the T.U. Rug:

Buddy on the meditation chair; sleeping:

Empty dog food bag that Buddy pulled outside:

Saturday, I walked in to the kitchen to discover Buddy on top of the cat food station, woofing down the cat food!  "Well, well, well. He's finally discovered how to get up there," I thought. And then I had this slow realization that he's prolly been doing it forever and this was just the first time I caught him!  He wasn't too embarrassed to be found.  *le sigh*  

Saturday night I took the dogs for a sleepover with their other mommy, Mama Rita. They were so happy to see her!  AND when we left, Reggie let her pet him!  Progress!   I would write more, but it's time for knitting and this post is late enough. Til next week!  HAPPY Monday!  :-)

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