Composer Brother got a new dog; a rescue Jackabee name Lady. She is ADORABLE!!! Chiro-sis & I went for a vizzie on Friday after Thanksgiving. I took a few pix (of course). She looks like a beagle, but she is tiny compared to my beagle-boy Buddy. She has a beagley-look, but her body and build are more Jack Russell-ish.
She does a funny thing with her leash when she doesn't want to come, grabbing it with her mouth:
"Come on, Lady."
"No," says Lady. |
*sniff* |
Look at that tongue!
"Okay, Lady. Time to go."
"No." Hahahaha |
Here she is with Warren, our very dear family friend:
Back inside. I shot this thru the rungs of the dining room chair:
Saying hullo to Chiro-sis:
The leash isn't the only she likes to chew on!

"Hullo." |
Prezzie from Auntie HaHa:
Snuggley in her bed:
Snoopy Pose. |
Getting sleeeeeepy . . .
More finger chewing:
She's also proficient at untying shoes:
Then she went to chew on:
Later, finding a spot in the sun; back up against the chair:
*sniff* |
Sleeeeepy . . .
Zzzzzz . . . . |
Here are a few candid shots with Warren: